Are you Getting Enough Sleep?

Are you Getting Enough Sleep?

Sleep, something we need, yet don’t always prioritize.  You’re definitely aware when off track and out of whack, as little things can seem so big and overwhelming.  We can become emotionally heightened (hello irritability) we stray from our priorities...
Plyos for Powerful Pins

Plyos for Powerful Pins

Want strong sexy legs and a lean tight body all in one powerful time-saving workout? Who doesn’t! Lets strengthen, build speed, muscle and agility along with gaining some great stems in the process.   Add a side of fat melting into the mix and you’ll undoubtedly want...
Benefits of Massage

Benefits of Massage

Sure a massage sounds indulgent, however, including massage in your wellness program on a regular basis can have some excellent health benefits as well. Whether you seek to get a massage weekly or monthly may depend upon what result you are looking to achieve and your...
Top organic foods to buy

Top organic foods to buy

AKA, the dirty dozen. These are the fruits and vegetables you should purchase organically when possible. They are listed in order from the highest levels of pesticide to the lowest. I realize organic usually means more expensive, but not always. Regardless, you should...
Move Your A$$ Monday!

Move Your A$$ Monday!

Happy Move Your A$$ Monday! Hope your weekend was full of all the good stuff!  My daughter had a gig Friday night and we were able to relax a bit, hang with some great friends we hadn’t seen in far too long and enjoy the cooler morning temps for a nice change of...
Don’t forget…do your kegels!

Don’t forget…do your kegels!

If you’ve had a child and then noticed you now occasionally leak urine, pee while jumping on a trampoline or wet your pants while laughing too hard, you might want to listen up, because you are far from alone. Aside from having an invasive medical procedure to...
Exciting News!!!

Exciting News!!!

Hey badass tribe! Not sure how we finally made it here, because January felt endless!  Can you attest? What is it about the holidays, resolutions and the like, that just make January feel like it will never end? Oh wait, all of the above! It felt like it dragged on...
6 Tips for Staying on Track this Holiday Season

6 Tips for Staying on Track this Holiday Season

The holidays are upon us, which can mean one of two things: it’s the most magical time of year when giving is at the forefront of our hearts and minds, or you may be utterly stressed out with all of the overindulgence that comes with the holiday season!  From cookie...