
This lovely gal made some great changes to her physique, mind and overall lifestyle throughout the course of our 12 weeks together!

Jerie worked hard, never complained, showed up for every check-in, workout and logged all meals as requested.  I quickly made the observation that she was feeling great in her own skin, gaining confidence, strength and improved daily energy.  She even opted to implement intermittent fasting along with some improved eating habits and just look at the results!  So proud of you Jerie and I thoroughly enjoyed working with you because you wanted this for the right reasons and your results are proof of that!

She’s off to Hawaii to showcase her newfound confidence and badassery and she is starting back on phase 1 now that she has completed her time with me.  I’m so grateful for the feedback, because it further proves that when you put in the effort, the results are yours and clearly Jerie showed up! Read what she had to say about our experience!

Confident, Strong, Happy, Sexy, Healthy, Proud. These are a few adjectives that describe how I feel after completing Tiffany’s 12 week program, Awaken The Badass. I was chosen by Tiffany to be one of two lucky people to receive her 12 week program, and one on one coaching! I can’t tell you how much this meant to me to be chosen. I have followed Tiffany for years and to say she is one of my idols would probably be an understatement. I love her no BS personality and huge heart! I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. I had purchased other workout plans in the past from different people and not once had I completed the whole program. I knew this time would be different. The last thing I wanted was to disappoint Tiffany.

I learned early on that Tiffany was not expecting perfection from me, but she was expecting me to put in the work. And so I did. Some days were better than others. Some meals were better than others. I am so excited to see the changes I have made in this short time. I will continue to work on myself. I now truly understand that if you “trust the process” you will see the results.

The coaching calls were very influential to my success. Having someone to be accountable to is a new thing for me. Tiffany answered every question I had and also gave me information on different things to try in order to get the results that I wanted.  The new information has helped me create a healthier lifestyle. Tiffany is eager to share her knowledge and we are lucky to receive it, if we are willing to listen!

I learned more about intermittent fasting and incorporated it in the last 4 or so weeks of the program. I love it! I wish I would have implemented it from day one. I absolutely loved the workouts. They were challenging and they are just the right amount of sets and reps to feel the burn and work up a sweat. Not once was I bored during this program. I actually looked forward to leg days!

I highly recommend this program. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or advanced in the gym!  You will love it! I will be starting it over from phase one to see what changes I can continue to make. Tiffany has truly awakened the little badass in me and I have no plans to stop now.

Tiffany, I cannot tell you enough how much I truly appreciated this opportunity to work with you. Not one day did I take it for granted. I have even more love and respect for you. You have changed my life! Thank you!”


Interested in seeing some results? Get your copy of Awaken the Badass here and start your 12 week journey today!