
Sure a massage sounds indulgent, however, including massage in your wellness program on a regular basis can have some excellent health benefits as well. Whether you seek to get a massage weekly or monthly may depend upon what result you are looking to achieve and your ability to work it into your budget. If you can forego your daily Starbucks in lieu of regular massages, you will benefit your overall health and wellness in the process.

Some of the most common types of massage are sports, deep tissue, Swedish and trigger point and each have different benefits. As an athlete and someone who trains hard regularly, I typically get sports and deep tissue massages on a weekly basis when life permits. It is not always easy to find time, but I make a point to do it just like I make time for my training. These types of massage are not particularly relaxing for me, as the release of many knots is not always a pain-free experience. I do find it to benefit me in areas of muscle tension and swelling due to overtraining, overuse injuries as well as a reduction in DOMS pain, also known as delayed muscle onset soreness, which is often experienced several hours up to several days following an intense workout. It is important to flush the toxins that are released during massage from your system by maintaining good hydration following a massage.

Studies have shown massage to be of benefit in the following areas:

  • Anxiety
  • Digestive disorders
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia related to stress
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Nerve pain
  • Soft tissue strains or injuries
  • Sports injuries

Proper recovery from exercise is equally important in conjunction with massage. Allowing the body an ample rest and repair period post workout is essential in repairing muscle and in supporting new muscle growth. By not doing so, you can cause undue strain, damage and injury. Allowing for 48-72 hours between training a specific muscle group helps to avoid such injuries. Try adding a massage to your wellness routine and see how much better you feel!