Are you Getting Enough Sleep?

Are you Getting Enough Sleep?

Sleep, something we need, yet don’t always prioritize.  You’re definitely aware when off track and out of whack, as little things can seem so big and overwhelming.  We can become emotionally heightened (hello irritability) we stray from our priorities...
Intensify your Training with Bands!

Intensify your Training with Bands!

  One quick and easy way to take your training to the next level isn’t to recreate the wheel, but to add more resistance to that wheel!  Sure, we already know resistance training is good for you for so many reasons from building muscle and strengthening your...
Core Power!

Core Power!

Core Power! Most hear the term “core” and a sexy, six pack comes to mind.  While it is a common misperception that your core simply consists of only your abs, it is in fact comprised of most every muscle within your torso.  Every one of us from high level athlete to...
Essentials of Competition Prep

Essentials of Competition Prep

Essentials of Preparing for the Stage Goal setting is a crucial component when it comes to taking your fitness to the next level and no goal is too great nor too small when it comes to your health and wellness.  Beginning with a plan of attack is essential for your...