Not me, today the kids go back to school. Woohoo! I’m hoping I can slow the car enough to let them out safely. I kid.
Your Monday morning workout has arrived! Grab your Ultimate Sandbag and let’s go! If you need something good to rev up the metabolism after a weekend of possible misbehavior, boy have I got it.
Here’s the breakdown…
Set timer: 24 rounds (30 seconds work 30 seconds rest)
Go through this set anywhere from 3-5 times depending on your fitness level
OR- I just completed this workout and I did 15 reps of each of 6 exercises for 5 rounds. No rest, just moved from exercise to exercise. My time 24:46. Good one!
- Single Leg Clean Lunge Press (left side)
- Rotational High Pulls
- Single Leg Clean Lunge Press (right side)
- Shoulder to Rotational Shoulder Press (left side)
- Anti-Rotation High Pull
- Shoulder to Rotational Shoulder Press (right side)
Oh, it’s a good one 🙂