This badass changed his health and his life in the process. He used fitness as a means of a complete life transformation and to remove himself from a troubled past. Kurtis, you are a true badass in my book! Keep spreading the positivity my friend!
“My name is Kurtis Greene and this is my story.
I was born in Boston, MA where I was raised by my grandmother along with my two older brothers and two cousins until the age of 8 or 9 and then relocated to Orlando FL. I fell in love with fitness at an early age, and in high school, I started weight lifting and getting acquainted with the gym. I had a really great coach who liked to help keep guys like me out of trouble.
Growing up, life was difficult for my family. My mother wasn’t always around and I never knew my biological father. I started hanging out with the wrong types of people and doing things I shouldn’t have been doing. By this time, I realized I was headed down the wrong path and I made a decision. I knew life had more to offer than what I was experiencing as long as I was willing to work for it. I knew I could make my dreams and goals a reality.
After graduating high school, I fell away from everything fitness related. I took about a 10 year hiatus from any real physical activity. Fast forward to getting married and having an amazing wife and child to live and provide for, I knew that I needed to make some changes and one day something clicked. A coworker had a gym membership and let me tag along with him a few times a week and the bug hit me again. I saw awesome progress within the first 4 weeks of training, got my own membership and began working to transform not only myself but my life.
I started preaching the gospel of fitness to my friends, family and coworkers and formed a partnership with my local gym to offer all my coworkers who signed up with them a discounted price. I fell back in love with fitness and I am now pursuing my certification to become a personal trainer, model, sponsored athlete and motivational speaker. I want to inspire people as well as empower people to make life changes and to realize they have the potential to achieve all their dreams and goals as long as they are willing to do the work.”
Follow Kurtis’ fitness journey on instagram : @Mr_international_Fitness
Always so proud of you ♡