
Tiffany Lee GastonAs you know, we are full force into Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Everywhere you go, the pink is brightly shining. I’m a huge supporter of this cause and I especially support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF). In researching a cancer organization, I quickly decided on this one as they have a higher rating than even Susan G. Komen. During our last Christmas party, we sponsored this charity and our giving friends and family helped raise over $5,000 for the cause.

Many people have mothers, sisters, aunts and friends that have been afflicted with cancer. Hopefully, they’ve caught it early enough to fight back. Women, know your bodies. Trust your instincts. Do self-breast checks monthly. If you can catch it, you can cure it.

Here’s today’s workout!!

This will be in AMRAP format (as many rounds as possible) in 15 minutes time.

Moving from exercise to exercise while maintaining proper form. Keep moving!


15 Alternating lunge

15 Stagger stance squats (left)

15 Stagger stance squats (right)

10 burpee clean and press

I’m excited to hear how you like this workout and how you did! Post your total amount of rounds in the comments or on my Facebook Page or on Twitter.

15 Alternating Lunges

15 Stagger Stance Squats (Left)

15 Stagger Stance Squats (Right)

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Burpee with Sandbag Clean and Press

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston

Tiffany Lee Gaston