


Got Legs?


Set your interval timer for:

12 rounds
10 seconds rest
50 seconds work

  • Sandbag overhead walking lunges
  • Plank Jacks
  • Turkish Getup with sandbag
  • Mountain Climbers

 Walking Lunges

Walking Lunges Ultimate Sandbag

Walking Lunges Ultimate Sandbag


Alternate and go as low as you can without extending your knee beyond your toe!

Walking Lunges Ultimate Sandbag

Plank Mat Jumps

Plank Mat Jumps

Go back and forth over your mat.

Plank Mat Jumps

The higher you jump, the more intense!

Plank Mat Jumps

Sandbag Turkish Get Up Starting Position

Ultimate Sandbag Turkish Get Up Starting Position

Sit up and start to place one foot behind under the other leg.

Ultimate Sandbag Turkish Get Up

Keep sandbag overhead, descend and repeat alternating legs each time.

Ultimate Sandbag Turkish Get Up

Mountain Climbers

Mountain Climbers