
12651007_791710754298342_2593329891043429232_nHello there fellow badasses!  Hope your Valentine’s Day Weekend was full of love and some yummy chocolate!

I wanted to take a moment and express gratitude for my latest magazine cover and spread, being released for public consumption February 22nd.  This March/April issue of Fitness Magazine is especially exciting for me due to its tie-in of the upcoming release of my book From Broken to Badass.  

Of all the covers I’ve had the incredible fortune of gracing, the power behind the accomplishment of writing my first book makes this one all the more special to me.  This isn’t about training or nutrition, this isn’t about how to get better abs or legs, this isn’t a workout spread…this is about healing yourself from the inside out.  It’s about picking up the pieces and forging a stronger you because of your past pains.  Allowing that pain to serve as motivation to drive you harder towards your dreams and passions.

The relevance of this honor is that I am finally able to share such a vulnerable side of myself, something I was very fearful about for so long.  I don’t like feeling weak or vulnerable, I once had a very difficult time expressing such emotion and in turn used anger to express hurt.  The harboring of such anger caused lots of issues in my life until I learned how to express it.  I have always believed that others, whether they know me personally or not, have the perception that I am strong and have just always been this way.  I worked hard to get to where I am today, but it certainly was not without several speed bumps along the way.  Being open about those life lessons is extremely healing and hopefully, helpful to others as well.

The notion I am able to help even one person through sharing my past pains is something that helped drive me to complete this very challenging task.   I’ve had plenty of moments where I stopped this project, fearful of judgement, fearful of being this candid.  Something spoke to me and I knew I needed to finish, and so I persevered.

Thank you to Andrew Carruthers for believing in me and allowing my message to reach your audience.  I’m so excited to share my book and will keep you posted on the release date.

Thanks, as always, for your continued support!