What’s the point of getting in incredible shape for a beach vacation somewhere only to be too miserable to put your bikini on? Nope, not gonna do it! I’d rather look great and feel great while enjoying a few treats here and there. I don’t care what others say or how they stare at my food choices, I have realized it is the reason I look and feel the way I do. I’m unwilling to allow the judgement of others to affect me. I’m in control of what I eat and prefer my lifestyle to any other way which is the sole reason I live this way.
With summer here, many of us have travel plans and are eager to relax and enjoy ourselves. The biggest problem I’ve ever encountered while on vacation is to be so excited about the food and drink that I overindulged to the point of misery right off the bat. Overindulgence can cause massive water retention (and guilt) and then before you know it, you find yourself miserable along with everyone else around you. I have been there, oh how I’ve been there, but I have learned from my mistakes and can offer a few simple suggestions to help you enjoy yourself without un-doing all of your hard work.
Try implementing these simple tips on your next trip and feel good about your choices.
While I do believe in treating myself to a weekly cheat meal or two, making a daily habit of doing so will add up quickly. Yes, you should taste the local flavors and experience your travels for what they are, but save the super indulgent meal for one or two special nights during your trip. There is no reason why you can’t order healthy meals like fresh fish, lean protein sources and veggies and be just as satisfied. Make better choices so that you can have that special meal or two, and enjoy it without the guilt. Just don’t make it an all day, every day habit.
Drinking while traveling goes hand in hand with many of us. Try to choose cocktails that are not loaded with sugary sweet mixers. Those calories will get you fast, not to mention, those are the ones that offer the biggest hangover the next day. Instead, stick with clear liquors such as vodka or tequila and try mixing with soda water and fresh lemon or limes. Be sure to drink plenty of water all day and in between cocktails to avoid dangerous dehydration and miserable water retention that comes from drinking alcohol.
Pack Smart
Bring plenty of workout outfits or you’ll be sure to have an excuse not to exercise. Pack items such as sneakers, exercise bands, a TRX suspension strap, a jump rope, an interval timer or even a sandbag with a water filler insert. All of these items take up minimal amounts of space and can help you create a fast paced in room workout if the hotel fitness center is lacking.
A gym isn’t necessary to get in a great workout. Plan to run, hike, bike or swim and stay active! Try to walk as much as possible when it comes to sight-seeing, run on the beach or surrounding areas or do a quick HIIT workout in your room. You can lay on the beach all day long guilt free if you’ve already killed your workout. Incorporate exercise into your day early on and check it off your list. When I travel, if I am unable to lift or find an adequate gym, I always lay down some mileage. Walking or running is better than nothing at all. No excuses!
Guilt Free
Whatever you decide to do, do it without guilt. If you’ve worked hard and plan to enjoy a not so healthy meal, do so with intent and love. Don’t shame yourself the next day for it. Enjoy yourself and the hard work and time it took to prepare for your trip. Travel Fit!
Thanks for sharing!