Being serious is not my style. Perhaps that needs no explanation. I’d rather live a life of laughter and happiness than to take myself too seriously. Playing with my kids on a Sunday afternoon is the most fun I have all week. I want them to see fitness as being fun and something we do as part of a healthy lifestyle and not a chore. Think I’ve got it covered.
I recently spoke to my daughter’s 4th grade class for a project they were working on. I was elated at the opportunity to speak to our youth about the meaning of health and nutrition. The results were amazing as they listened intently, asked lots of great questions and were really engaged in the discussion. One topic we discussed was them being more involved with their parents when it comes to shopping for the foods they eat as well as involvement in the kitchen. Being that I preach this to my children constantly, my daughter sat quietly as if thinking, “yeah, yeah mom…I get it”. It was a very rewarding experience for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
For todays workout, I had a great idea. You know I love a burpee…it’s my go-to party move. So when considering what exercises to combine this week for a challenging workout, I felt the burpee was it! Try this anytime in your day where you can find 10 minutes. No excuses, its 10 minutes!! Post your scores on my FB page or in the comments below. I love getting your feedback!
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Sandbag Burpee AMRAP
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes
- 10 burpee with 2 pushups and clean and press
- 10 burpee with lateral bag drag
- 10 half burpee (no push up) with 4 upright rows
Your Burpees are awesome! Mine are so weak!
Thanks Kelly, keep at it and you will become stronger!
Those will definitely do the trick …
Love the sandbag routine 🙂
Thanks, it’s a tough one!