I love the simplicity of this dish and yet it looks way more elaborate than it really is. I don’t have a lot of extra time and I really don’t want to spend much of it in the kitchen. Yet, I want to make meals that are flavorful, healthy and simple. I’m no Betty Crocker so I’m just happy to put a decent meal on the table and make my husband happy most days. The fact that I can fill a blog with some of my trials and errors is really fun for me. It’s like documentation that I really can cook! Who knew? Never did I think I would be that into it, but discovering my fondness for eating like a Cavegirl, has really brought out the best of my Suzy Homemaker skills. I’ve got your Wife and Mother of the Year right here…NOT!
[embedplusvideo height=”450″ width=”450″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1bEebCx” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/ShzqnenvIqY?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=ShzqnenvIqY&width=450&height=450&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=0&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep1047″ /]
4 zucchini
1 lb. ground turkey or lean ground beef
1 can organic diced tomatoes
1-2 tbsp. olive oil
Season to taste with:
sea salt
black pepper
Using a mandoline or vegetable slicer, create zucchini noodles and set aside. Brown up your turkey and set aside. Heat 1-2 tbsp. of olive oil in a saucepan and add your zucchini noodles. Cook until tender, about 3-5 minutes. Add ½ can or more of your diced tomatoes and incorporate your ground turkey and heat thoroughly.