

Chocolate Pecan Protein Bites


I recently came across this great idea from Bodybuilding.com to make my own protein bars.  Now keep in mind, I had planned to wait until I could actually indulge in these for myself before making them, yet something happened.  I decided that I needed to make them NOW!  Unfortunately for me, that’s kind of how I operate.  Drives me nuts, but when I get an idea, I must run far and fast with it.  This is why I am now on my fall season recipe series kick that will include lots of clean eating recipes (I know, what a stretch for me)  full of your favorite fall flavors.  Yes, I do mean pumpkin and lots of it coming atcha.

I figured at least those around me could benefit from my creative cooking spurt I was having.  I will try these several times and several ways for certain because these were kind of awesome.  These little protein bombs were simple to make and if you go all out and make several batches of different varieties, they should keep well in the freezer for grab-and-go fuel.

I love that I could make endless varieties of these for any season (pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin) and even the kids will enjoy them.  I’d much rather grab one of these than a sugar-filled treat from the store packaged and labeled as a “protein bar.”  Many are nothing more than glorified candy bars in sheeps clothing.  They must be dressed up for Halloween…. I’m envisioning red velvet cake something or other for my next creation, while visions of sugar plums danced in my head.  Oops, did I say that out loud?  It only figures  a hugely creative streak would hit while I can’t even taste test anything.  Ugh!


1/2 cup vanilla or unflavored whey protein powder

1/4 cup coconut flour

1/2 tsp vanilla extract

1/4 -1/2 c almond milk (start low and you will have to add additional liquid)

30 grams of melted 85-100% dark chocolate (this will be bitter but better for you than milk chocolate varieties)

Nutrition Facts: 

Makes 3 medium sized bars (because these have pecans, numbers are slightly higher from below)

Calories 212

Fat 13g

Carbs 8.8 g

Protein 16.6 g

Combine whey powder and coconut flour and add almond milk until you reach the perfect dough-like consistency.  Once the texture is right, shape any way you want and place on parchment or wax paper on a cookie sheet.  I shaped this first batch like cookies.

On a double boiler, melt chocolate and add bars into mixture to coat thoroughly.  Once coated, place back on cookie sheet and top with pecans, almonds, walnuts or any nut you want.  Place in freezer to firm up and then enjoy!  Save extra’s in a Ziploc in freezer for portable protein snacks.