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So get sweating and warm yourself up!  It’s Christmas Eve and as my gift to you, here’s a great 12 minute sweat fest!  Get it done and go celebrate with friends and family.  You’ve worked hard and you’ll savor the sweetness of knowing you put in your time before nosediving off that cliff later.  It’ll be out of your way in no time.  Just the tough mudder challenge you need to get your sweat on and get down to business.  I was a bit irked when I realized I had forgotten to hit the start button on my heart rate monitor because I’m a numbers girl.  I like to SEE it!

You’ll go through this set 3 times and you will thank me for it…or NOT!

Gymboss Timer setup:

18 rounds 10 seconds rest | 30 seconds intense work

  • Jump rope
  • 123 Squat Jumps
  • Bench or mat hops
  • 1/2 burpee with a sandbag side jump
  • reverse push ups/pull ups on a dip bar
  • Sandbag or kettlebell swings