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Chicken lettuce wraps

My latest recipe for Muscle and Fitness Hers, for my easy, go-to Paleo Chicken Lettuce Wraps, is now live.  If you have leftover pulled pork, ground bison, beef or turkey, you can do this with it!  My recipes are clean, simple and tasty.  I’m busy, easy distracted (self-diagnosed OCD, ADHD and ADD) and don’t really love cooking unless I’m in the mood.  I do, however, love fueling my body with high-octane fuel to keep it running like a Ferrari…no wait, a Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder.  Yup, that it!

Spring is in the air and a nice light snack or meal like this keeps you moving with no processed/refined food crash afterward.  The easiest way to explain why I eat the way I do is because I just feel better this way.  Sure, I am human and indulge in cravings when and if I want to, but clean it right back up.  I don’t make my weekends a complete pig fest, but I definitely try to enjoy myself when I can.  Balance is the key to any healthy lifestyle.  Treating yourself on occasion is an absolute must, but falling back into overindulgence for extended periods of time will only make you feel badly about yourself.  You should never feel guilt after eating anything, so make sure you are treating your body right in the first place and those well deserved and well-earned treats will have no guilt associated.

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